Working with the Medicine of Archetypes and Images

Images, archetypes and symbols that show up in your dreams or as you listen to stories carry potent medicine.
Yet they can be tricky to de-code. Learn to receive the gifts and messages these images hold for you.

Free Email Course

In four emails over eight days you'll learn powerful techniques to access your subconscious and live a more authentic life.

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    Kat Houghton

    Recovering Psychologist | Rites of Passage Guide |Storyteller

    Why do this work?

    Most of our behavior is driven by our subconscious mind, we're not aware of why we act and feel the way we do. This work helps you:

    • Release the self-destructive behaviors that prevent you reaching your full potential
    • Step into new ways of being that enable you to live the life you aspire to

    What will you receive?

    • Two powerful methods for accessing the wisdom of your subconscious
    • A recorded guided imagery journey you can use use over and over
    • A pathway to living your fullest potential