Kat Houghton PhD
Soul-Centered healing

Ready for a more soulful life?

We live in a culture that denies the soul. Yet, you know you are more than a mind-body.

How do we bridge the gap to a soul-centered life?

I am committed to the evolution to human consciousness by providing educational and transformational experiences.

Soul has been striped from our education, our science and our worldview. It's time we reclaimed our soulful existence and asked, "as souls incarnate, how do we evolve our consciousness?"

sign up today and learn how to...

Live a soul-centered life, one that tracks the bigger arc of who you are since you emerged from Source.

Kat's gifted way of opening a portal to the divine and guiding my connection with the bigger picture of my life's unfolding is grand. I feel very blessed to be a participant in her orb!”

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